- Address: Adam Mickiewicz University
- Fellowships: MSCA Widening Fellowship (since 01/11/2020)
- Citizenship: Greek
- ORCID: 0000-0001-7720-8801
- Scopus author ID: 55360639300
- Contact: thovas@amu.edu.pl
- Also available on ResearchGate & Google Scholar.
Professional experience:
Marie S. Curie widening fellowship Adam Mickiewicz University
1/11/2020 to now Faculty of Physics, Project PLASMMONS (H2020-WF-02-2019)
Scientific advisor Dr. Hab Bartlomiej Graczykowski.
Guest scientist Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research Mainz
6/11/2019 to July 2022 department of Prof. Hans-Jürgen Butt.
Postdoctoral researcher Adam Mickiewicz University
4/11/2019 to 31/10/2020 Faculty of Physics, Project SONATA “Phononic Crystals
for Heat and Sound Nanodevices” of Dr. Hab Bartlomiej Graczykowski.
Postdoctoral researcher Structural and Electronic Surface Dynamics
16/05/2019 to 31/10/2019 ERC Group of Dr. Ralph Ernstorfer
Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft.
Doctoral researcher Structural and Electronic Surface Dynamics
10/11/2014 to 16/05/2019 ERC Group of Dr. Ralph Ernstorfer
Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft.
Research assistant Project: Na(Z)nOwire THALES
01/09/2011 to 30/10/2014 Group of Dr. S.N. Yannopoulos, ICEHT-FORTH, Greece
Erasmus Internship Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
March-May 2013 Supervisor: Prof. R.O. Jones.
Undergraduate Internship Institute of Chemical Engineering Processes at High Temperatures
Summer 2011 (ICEHT-FORTH)
- PhD in Physics Freie Universität Berlin 10/11/2014 to 22.07.2019
First supervisor: Dr. Ralph Ernstorfer, Second supervisor: Prof. Katharina Franke
PhD title: Ultrafast Energy Flow and Structural Changes in Nanoscale Heterostructures.
- Master of Materials Science Grade: 9.41/10 (designation ‘Excellent’, highest score since the MSc 01/09/2011 to 07/02/2014 program was established). Department of Materials Science University of Patras.
MSc thesis supervisors: Dr. Spyros Yannopoulos and Prof. Nikolaosn Bouropoulos.
- Bachelor of Physics 2011. Grade: 7.70/10 (designation ‘Very Good’), with specialization “Theoretical and Computational Physics, Astronomy & Astrophysics”.
Professional experience:
- 2019-date Principal Investigator – FNP First Team Project, Faculty of Physics AMU, Poznan, Poland
- 2017-2018 Principal Investigator – FNP Homing Project, NanoBioMedical Centre AMU, Poznan, Poland
- 2016-date Guest Researcher MPIP Mainz, Germany
- 2013-2016 Postdoctoral Researcher/Scientific Manager – FP7 FET project MERGING, ICN2 Barcelona, Spain
- 2012-2013 Assistant Professor/Lecturer, Faculty of Physics, AMU, Poznan, Poland
- 2018 Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education stipend for young researchers
- 2016 Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers
- 2010 Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education for PhD students
- 2012 PhD in Physics (with highest honors), Faculty of Physics AMU, Poznan, Poland
Thesis: Brillouin Spectroscopy of Shape Memory Alloys.