dr Thomas Vasileiadis

  • Address: Adam Mickiewicz University
  • Fellowships: MSCA Widening Fellowship (since 01/11/2020)
  • Citizenship: Greek
  • ORCID: 0000-0001-7720-8801
  • Scopus author ID: 55360639300
  • Contact: thovas@amu.edu.pl
  • Also available on ResearchGate & Google Scholar.

Professional experience:

  1. Marie S. Curie widening fellowship Adam Mickiewicz University
    1/11/2020 to now Faculty of Physics, Project PLASMMONS (H2020-WF-02-2019)
    Scientific advisor Dr. Hab Bartlomiej Graczykowski.
  2. Guest scientist Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research Mainz
    6/11/2019 to July 2022 department of Prof. Hans-Jürgen Butt.
  3. Postdoctoral researcher Adam Mickiewicz University
    4/11/2019 to 31/10/2020 Faculty of Physics, Project SONATA “Phononic Crystals
    for Heat and Sound Nanodevices” of Dr. Hab Bartlomiej Graczykowski.
  4. Postdoctoral researcher Structural and Electronic Surface Dynamics
    16/05/2019 to 31/10/2019 ERC Group of Dr. Ralph Ernstorfer
    Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft.
  5. Doctoral researcher Structural and Electronic Surface Dynamics
    10/11/2014 to 16/05/2019 ERC Group of Dr. Ralph Ernstorfer
    Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft.
  6. Research assistant Project: Na(Z)nOwire THALES
    01/09/2011 to 30/10/2014 Group of Dr. S.N. Yannopoulos, ICEHT-FORTH, Greece
  7. Erasmus Internship Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
    March-May 2013 Supervisor: Prof. R.O. Jones.
  8. Undergraduate Internship Institute of Chemical Engineering Processes at High Temperatures
    Summer 2011 (ICEHT-FORTH)


  1. PhD in Physics Freie Universität Berlin 10/11/2014 to 22.07.2019
    First supervisor: Dr. Ralph Ernstorfer, Second supervisor: Prof. Katharina Franke
    PhD title: Ultrafast Energy Flow and Structural Changes in Nanoscale Heterostructures.
  2. Master of Materials Science Grade: 9.41/10 (designation ‘Excellent’, highest score since the MSc 01/09/2011 to 07/02/2014 program was established). Department of Materials Science University of Patras.
    MSc thesis supervisors: Dr. Spyros Yannopoulos and Prof. Nikolaosn Bouropoulos.
  3. Bachelor of Physics 2011. Grade: 7.70/10 (designation ‘Very Good’), with specialization “Theoretical and Computational Physics, Astronomy & Astrophysics”.

Bartłomiej Graczykowski

Professional experience:

  1. 2019-date Principal Investigator – FNP First Team Project, Faculty of Physics AMU, Poznan, Poland
  2. 2017-2018 Principal Investigator – FNP Homing Project, NanoBioMedical Centre AMU, Poznan, Poland
  3. 2016-date Guest Researcher MPIP Mainz, Germany
  4. 2013-2016 Postdoctoral Researcher/Scientific Manager – FP7 FET project MERGING, ICN2 Barcelona, Spain
  5. 2012-2013 Assistant Professor/Lecturer, Faculty of Physics, AMU, Poznan, Poland


  1. 2018 Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education stipend for young researchers
  2. 2016 Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers
  3. 2010 Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education for PhD students


  1. 2012 PhD in Physics (with highest honors), Faculty of Physics AMU, Poznan, Poland
    Thesis: Brillouin Spectroscopy of Shape Memory Alloys.